Once time was quantity untold
there to try my patience
But time has turned as I've grown old
And altered our relations
It started as my life long mate
Albeit quite a bore
A big lump on which I had to wait
And always there'd be more
Time Time Time Time
'Twas time I figured for a fool
And time I used to curse
Not knowing time is nature's tool
To school the universe
Time put a twinkle in my eye
Assured me I was cute
Then played the maiden flitting by
With me in hot pursuit
Time Time Time
With time I grew more wise and strong
And as I hit my stride
Time brought experience along
To serve me as my guide
Experience it was, in fact
That led me to the truth
By taking me behind time's back
To view my dying youth
Time Time
'Twas time had taught my youth to fly
And with my youth had flown
But now my youth was left to die
As time flew on alone
I begged my youth, "Don't die like this
"Remain with me a while"
Time turned and gave us both a kiss
And youth died with a smile
You killed my youth", I cried, " A crime
"Too frightful to be true!"
"Yes, happy birthday", shouted time
"And happy new year, too"