Tax collectors have a fit About funds I won't remit (Back in '66 I quit (They say I owe quite a bit) But why send the IRS Any money I possess When, unless I miss my guess I owe no one for this mess? I descend from slavery which Made the very people rich Who now bitch for me to pitch More "scratch" on their "Midas Itch" But although they say I owe Them a portion of my dough Evidence will clearly show What they’re sayin’ just aint so After centuries of pain Under the gun, whip and chain Black people hardly remain Obligated to white gain None of us has been repaid For the contributions made Since our race was first waylaid By the African slave trade As oppressive as they've been Against us and all our kin Since they dragged our forebears in Cursed because of their black skin How now, without sign of shame Making like they bear no blame Do white people dare to claim We should share because we came?
Considering the fate we met
How could we incur a debt?
When its to our deep regret
That on this course we got set
It should go the other way
It is they who ought to pay
Reparations from the day
Slavery first came into play
How, on soil where we've been robbed
Where for centuries we sobbed
Murdered, raped, degraded, snobbed
Segregated and lynched mobbed
Can they convince me and you
Some further tribute its due
After all that we went through?
In no way can that be true
Time to face historic facts
And for us to give the axe
To the goddamn income tax
IRS collects from blacks
I will not send IRS
Any money I possess
Since, I’m eager to confess
I owe no one for this mess
I love this !