When the doctor ordered ‘give up booze.’
I hollered, ‘doctor what if I refuse’
He said, ‘then you’ll soon be flat
Out on satan’s welcome mat.’
I said ‘okay doc, I’ll drink to that!’
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that
When the preacher cried, ‘the demon rum
‘Can turn a deacon to a drunken bum’
It sounded true from where I sat
So I said, ‘let’s pass the hat
‘Buy a bottle rev,’ I’ll drink to that!
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that
Disaster’s steady stalkin’ me
But I don’t mind at all
As long as I stay under the
Affluence of inchohol
Stayin’ high’s the least that I can do
For this low life I been livin’ through
If I could I’d down a vat
And stay blinder than a bat
Y’all say ‘sober up!’
I’ll drink to that!
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that
Hey, Bartender! Everybody’s gone
Leavin’ me an’ you t’ carry on
You look like a groovy cat
Let’s us have a friendly chat
Fill my glass again! I’ll drink t’ that!
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that
I been battlin’ from the very first
Tryin’ t’ quench this over-whelming thirst
Me an’ Momma used t’ spat
‘Til she gave me tit for tat
An’ I said, “goo, goo, ga! I’ll Drink t’ that!
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that!
In liquor lies the only wealth
My life has ever known
I’ve drunk to everybody’s health
Until I’ve ruined my own
On the subject of who has control
Over me and my immortal soul
Me an’ Satan chewed the fat
Now I know where Satan’s at...
And, oh well, what th’ hell?! I’ll drink t’ that!
Drink, drank, drunk I’ll drink to that!
(This is a song in the score of OBJ’s musical Great Nitty Gritty)