Just came from seein’ Buddy Jones
He’s in intensive care
Yeah, fell and broke a bunch of bones
I witnessed it… I swear
Ol’ Buddy’s got a lot of heart
Especially when he’s drinkin’
We’re at this penthouse party
And he gets so drunk he’s thinkin’
That he can fly up to the rooftop
Twelve or fifteen feet
Although it is a pretty good drop
From the penthouse to the street
“Who wants to bet me that I won’t?”
He hollers to the crowd
“I got a dollar says you don’t!”
Some gambler yells real loud
Ol’ Buddy climbs up on the sill
Steps out onto the ledge
Tells me to bet his dollar bill
And goes right off the edge
I’m tellin’ you ol’ Buddy’s brave
And lucky he’s alive
I still hear that shrill shriek he gave
When he was in his dive
He grabbed onto a flagpole
That protruded from the wall
It tore loose when he caught hold
But it sorta broke his fall
He crashed through tall tree branches
Bounced high off a canopy
Under the circumstances
How fortunate can you be?
Some righteous prayer he must’ve said
While he was still aloft
‘Cause he lands in a flower bed
Where the sod was nice and soft
But now ol’ Buddy’s mad at me
He says, “It’s all your fault
“Since I was drunk, as you could see
“You should have called a halt”
But I told him, “Of course I knew
“Your drinkin’ led you to it
“But, Buddy, I was drinkin’ too
So I bet you could do it
I guess that’s how our story ends
It’s sort of sad to tell
I’ve lost one of my closest friends
And the buck I bet, as well